Future Medicine Round Table 2021

Future Medicine Round Table 2021

The Covid-outbreak in the end of 2019 took the world by surprise. After almost two years into the pandemic, science has made great progress and politicians have made valuable experiences concerning the management of the global crisis. But can we use the knowledge we acquired if a similar scenario strikes again?

(Der Covid-Ausbruch Ende 2019 hat die Welt überrascht. Nach fast zwei Jahren Pandemie hat die Wissenschaft große Fortschritte gemacht und die Politik wertvolle Erfahrungen im Umgang mit der globalen Krise gesammelt. Aber können wir das erworbene Wissen nutzen, wenn ein ähnliches Szenario erneut eintritt?)


The great success of our event-series “Future Medicine Science Match”, hosted by Berlin’s leading Newspaper Der Tagesspiegel and the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) in the past years inspired us to hold it once again. Due to the circumstances, this year we will run the event as a virtual round table.

We are looking forward to discussing the important questions:

  • Have we already learned enough about the pandemic? 
  • Can the learnings regarding effective therapies and preventive measures be applied for another pandemic? 
  • What are the side effects of the pandemic on the health system (e.g. delay of diagnosis and therapies of other diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases or chronical illnesses)?
  • Are science and politics prepared for the next pandemic?

We are more than happy to invite you to our top class round table discussing the key question




Posted on 29. September 2021. Bookmark the permalink. Kommentare deaktiviert für Future Medicine Round Table 2021.

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