Future Medicine Science Match 2022

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Future Medicine Science Match 2022 – Building an ecosystem for innovation in the life sciences

After two digital-only events, Berlin´s leading newspaper “Der Tagesspiegel” and the BIH are back with the seventh Future Medicine Science Match 2022 live on stage again. And we are back with the exciting 3-min presentations where scientists from Berlin, Germany and from all over the world show us their solutions and visions about the future of medicine.

Nach zwei rein digitalen Veranstaltungen sind Berlins führende Tageszeitung „Der Tagesspiegel“
und das BIH mit dem siebten Future Medicine Science Match 2022 wieder live auf der Bühne.
Und wir sind zurück mit den spannenden 3-minütigen Präsentationen, in denen Wissenschaftler
aus Berlin, Deutschland und der ganzen Welt uns ihre Lösungen und Visionen über die Zukunft
der Medizin zeigen.

The focus of this year´s conference is on how to build an ecosystem for innovation in the life sciences. How can academia, business and society establish a new collaborative for innovation? The emphasis this year will not only be on specific medical topics – such as cell and gene therapies – but also on the challenge of building a suitable frame to fulfil the mission of the BIH: Turning research into health.

  • This year’s focus: Building an ecosystem for innovation in the life sciences
  • Societal and medical need: The role of cell and gene therapies and digitization
  • Future Work: The need of common laboratories and incubators
  • Stories from Real life: How to succeed when building your Startup
  • Raising funds: How to attract investors and venture capital
  • Mindset and Education: The new generation of entrepreneurial scientists and physicians


Future Medicine Science Match 2022

Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung (BIH)

Posted on 5. August 2022. Bookmark the permalink. Kommentare deaktiviert für Future Medicine Science Match 2022.

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